and write a and xialin insisted and yahoo and yet beyond consci and yet last year and you are like the and you are my man and you dont want him and you have to know and you its only and you know im satis and you know that i w and you looked at me and you say sorry lik an...
Luckily, there are people in the world whose job is to write words that grab people’s already overloaded attention. Those people spend mountains of time and money on research to understand how people process words online — and, better yet, what makes people stop mid-scroll and take action....
“I just had decided myself, because I’m not in the Coast Guard anymore, that I can write my own narrative now,” said Klement, who served in the Coast Guard from 2012 to 2015 and currently works as a photographer in Oregon. “We really wanted people to see it....
Monitoring social media platforms, also known associal listening, is key to understanding the honest feelings of your audience, customers and critics – as well as those belonging to your competitors. In 2022, do you think your customers will write a blog post to complain about your customer se...
I can’t complain, but I wish I’d been quick enough to add, “She sent me over here to find out why you never write Uncle Olaf!” How to Learn Any Language 6 How I Married Hungarian You don’t launch into the study of a new language casually, but it’s not quite as solemn ...
181 2012 WEB #ignorants like you to write about these things. How much money did you lose on FB? Oh, yes, just $10 because 182 2010 TV Hawaii Five-0 #My face don't fit on anything smaller. How much kala, bulleh? You speak bird, huh? Yeah, I grew ...
To become a 'BILLIONAIRE' From Writing! (Memo:Bloomsbury editor- Now, I'm pretty sure, that aBIllion $'sdoes count as) Agatha Christie After5 years of continual rejection, the writer finally lands a publishing deal: "Agatha Christie". ...
AI can also write more complex law than humans can. Right now, laws tend to be general. With details to be worked out by a government agency. AI can allow legislators to propose, and then vote on, all of those details. That will change the balance of power between the legislative and...
2) in my e-visa form I wrote I plan to visit only Mumbai and Goa - I did not write I plan to visit Darjeeling. Do you think, it is impossible to get there to Darjeeling? Thanks for your response and help. Raj( May 2017 ...
One of the main pieces of evidence for this is a 1969 memo signed by Brigadier General Carroll H. Bolender suggesting the Air Force hadn’t shared all UFO sightings with Project Blue Book and would continue to investigate sightings that could present a national security threat after the ...