这是wikihow中的一篇文章,How to write。 wikihow原文 本文给了初学者系统建议,我现在搬运过来给大家。(第一次尝试翻译文章,翻译的可能会有点差异) 一、开始写 1.大量阅读 阅读多样的作品,提升你的理解能力,并了解每个作者不同的“声音”。 阅读你想模仿的作者的书。比如想写科学小说,那就多看看阿西莫夫和菲利...
在老外WikiHow上的一篇文章... 【怎么做才能像一名中国女人】 一共列了13点... 感觉总结了老外对于中国女人的全部理解。。。你们看看 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 868 424 ñ656 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷...
如果是社会学课程,需要对社交经历做反思报告,可能就需要你把经验跟课上讨论的某些社交模式之类的理论或案例结合起来了。 最近因为经常遇到学弟学妹问reflection paper的问题,就去wikihow看了下,顺便做了翻译。但是我翻译也是好随意,好多杜撰在里面~,哈哈~ 原文网址:http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Reflection-Paper...
It doesn't matter if you feel like you havenothing to say; the important thing is that you write every single day. Sometimes, you needto give yourself permission to write things which won't be your best work.【小题4】Do you have any friends who enjoy writing?T hink about starting a ...
不能直接看Wikipedia的怨念~ 让我一度忽视掉 wikihow这个宝藏。 直到最近, 一度成为新的欢乐源泉。 墙内无门槛浏览 太爱了~ 体贴的中文,有一丝丝别扭的翻译腔,灵魂画手般的配图。 每次阅读脑袋里似乎都有一个一…
Learn how to do anything with wikiHow, the world's most popular how-to website. Easy, well-researched, and trustworthy instructions for everything you want to know.
Content Managers research the article topic, identify trustworthy sources to cite, and work to understand the readers’ needs. 2 ORGANIZE Writers break up long, complex processes into manageable steps. They separate out multiple methods, when possible. 3 WRITE Writers consider the audience for ea...
【题目】wikiHowto do anythingHow to Give DirectionsT here are two basic ways to give directions, the "route perspective" characterized by landmarks, and the "survey perspective" characterized by references to cardinal directions (north, south, west, east). T he system you use depends on ...
1. Write a compelling headline Want your blog to be clicked on and read? Spend lots andlotsof time (way more than you think) working on an engaging headline. My favorite tools to use when I’m working on headlines are: A plain text document where I can brainstorm 10-25 headline ideas...