The best way to approach this essay is to write it as if you were actually writing a thank you note to the person you have chosen, starting with “Dear so-and-so,…”. Be specific about the ways in which they have helped you and how their guidance has impacted your life. You can ...
The Torah is a scroll, which is another kind of book. Books were special because they were written by Authors, and Authors were Not You. Suddenly it dawns on you that you are an author, because you're writing a book! And if they'll let you write a book, how special can books real...
Below is a small macro that is doing the same job. It needs no helper column and over-writes your existing blanks. Before you run it make sure to check the values of the 2 constants at the top and the name of the worksheet (especially the latter!) against y...
Did Moses write the Torah? Is the Torah the same as the Old Testament? How many books are in the Tanakh? How is the Hebrew alphabet written? Why was the Talmud written? What does the Talmud contain? When was the Torah given to Moses?
Is the Torah in the Bible? How many heavens are in the Quran? Does the Quran include the Old Testament? When was the Quran discovered? Who wrote the Hadiths? How did Moses write the Book of Genesis? Why was the Talmud written?
2. It is forbidden to write the Shahadah, or any other Du`a on the Kafn or chest of the dead person. What to do after the Kafn With the completion of the washing and the Kafn, the deceased person is ready for the burial. The Janazah Salaah (funeral prayer) should be arranged wit...
See How to Write a Business Plan for information on creating yours. 11. Banking Considerations Choosing the Right Bank for Your Kosher Bakery When selecting a bank for your Kosher Bakery, focus on institutions with a strong presence in the small business sector and a reputable track record. Bui...
Click here to write your own. A Meditation Knit Book for Woman Who Knit Too Much One of the most common methods of turning yarn or thread into cloth is knitting. It is the same as crocheting wherein loops are interlacing each other. … ...
Ruth HaCohen writes like a normal intelligent sensitive human – how can this be, in a country whose rulers, and most citizens, display all the signs of sociopathy? What is it about peace with the Palestinians which makes it such a repulsive ...
There is a foundation for these thoughts above in the Rambam’sGuide for the Perplexed.He writes: “Hence it appears to me that it is only in times of such neglect that some of the ordinary evils befall a prophet or a perfect and pious man: and the intensity of the evil is proportion...