【题目】How to Write a Summary(概要)Write a summary is a great way to deal with the information you read, whether it's an article or a book Read the piece thoroughly.You should read it without making any kinds of marks. Instred, focus on really understanding what the author is trying...
How to Write a Summary(概要) Write a summary is a great way to deal with the information you read,whether it's an article or a book.Read the piece thoroughly. You should read it without making any kinds of marks.Instead,focus on really understanding what the author is trying to say.Th...
Dosanddont'swhenwritingasummary thelengthofasummary:one-thirdto one-quarterofitsoriginalsize. asummaryiswriteninyourownwords,not inthewordsoftheoriginalselection. asummarygivesonlymainpointsofthe text. youshoulddecidewhattypeofasummary basedontheneedsforthereader. .8 Stylesofpassage .9 Stepsofsummary...
How to Write a Summary? It's both easier and harder than you may think. By definition, a summary is “a brief statement or account of the main points of something.” Writing a good summary indicates that you clearly understand a text and that you can effectively communicate that understandi...
根据本段小标题“Write down what you think the main point of the piece is(写下你认为这篇文章的要点)”可知,此处总结如何写好要点的具体方法,故G项(就好像你在向朋友解释或描述一样写下一些内容)符合语境。 (3)题详解: 根据本段小标题“Put something in your own words.(用你自己的话写点东西)”...
How to Write a Summary(概要)rite a summary is a great way to deal with the information you read, whether it's an article or a boo Read the piece thoroughly.You should read it without making any kinds of marks. Instead, focus on really understanding what the author is trying to say....
how to write a summary Howtowriteasummary 1Definition Bysummary,wemeanabriefrestatement,inyourownwords,ofthecontentofapassage,anarticle,achaperorabook.•2keypointsofasummary:Asummaryshouldbebrief,complete,accuratecoherentandobjective.•Brief:omitunnecessarydetailslikeexamples,explanationsandotherunimportant...
HOWTOWRITEASUMMARY怎样写一个英语总结 Discussion Question:Whatshouldbepaidattentiontotowrite agoodsummaryofanarticle?1.Canwemainlyuseourownwordsorthesentencesintheoriginalpassage?2.Canwejudgethewritingstyle?3.Canwewriteitinthefirstpersonorthethird person?4.Canweexpressouropinion?HOWTOWRITEASUMMARY怎样写一个...