So you want to write a story. You’ve built a whole complex world in your head and developed a few well-rounded, interesting characters to populate it. You can’t wait to start writing and see how these characters interact with each other. If you find yourself staring at a blank screen...
Here are five steps for writing a story: Find inspiration, brainstorm ideas, outline the plot, write a first draft, and refine it through revision and editing. Every story typically includes five key components—setting, plot, conflict, characters, and theme. While stories can take countless fo...
Every story is made up of both events and characters. A story happens because a pattern is interrupted. If you are writing about a day that is like any other day, it is most likely a routine, not a story. Below, you’ll see how story structure, story id
How to Write Minor Characters (1) How to Write Novel Endings (3) How to Write Novels (69) How to write pacing (2) how to write plot (4) how to write scenes (2) How to write setting (7) How to Write Story Resolution (2) How to write the middle of novels (2) ...
上文“A great short story drops the reader into its world swiftly and holds their attention all the way through.(一个好的短篇故事会让读者迅速进入它的世界,并始终吸引他们的注意力)”说明一个好的短篇故事需要快速吸引读者并保持其注意力,以及下文“It can be as simple as knowing a few key moments...
Develop engaging and suspenseful plot lines, so readers are glued to the pages to find out how the characters will make it through their harrowing plight. Create an overriding plot, such as surviving a natural disaster or a shipwreck, but include smaller plots, also known as arcs, to add su...
Plot Development Secrets Ask yourself two questions: Isyour story ideaweighty enough to warrant 75,000 to 100,000 words, and Is it powerful enough to hold the reader to the end? Discovering novelistDean Koontz’sClassic Story Structure (in hisHow to Write Best-Selling Fiction) was the best ...
Mastering how to writeplot twistsinvolves more than just throwing a monkey wrench into your story. A well-written plot twist must be subtle. You’ll need to learn: How to set up a plot twist Where to insert one How to use it to drive the main plot ...
In this article, learn ten secrets about how to write a story, and more importantly, how to write a story that's good.
So, while it’s important to build the right atmosphere, it’s imperative to get to the point and tell your readers what’s happening within the plot of your story. So you’ve introduced your hero. You describe him. You write about him doing pushups and kickboxing in a Tihar jail cel...