读书笔记是对一本书的精华进行提炼 提高阅读效率 加深内容理解 整合相关知识 与书产生互动 如何写好 精华总结型 的读书笔记 明确读书笔记...
I also recommend highlighting the book’s chapter headings as you’re reading. You won’t always write a book summary, chapter by chapter, but for certain books, where each chapter builds on the last, it’s much easier to get an overview of your notes and highlights. Step 2. Write the...
【题目】How to Write a Summary(概要)Wt summa r wy odaw tenfrmt yorad whee t rt o bookRead the piece thoroughly.You should read t without making any kinds ofmarks Instead, focus on raly understanding whattheauthostrying say. Ths might mean thtyou need t ead onesntene o paragraph m...
Short stories are a unique genre of literature, with nearly the same amount of complexity found in novels compressed into a matter of several pages. This compressed nature makes them a popular topic of study. At the same time, the reduced length makes summaries a little tricky; they must be...
Use your thesis statement as the first sentence of your summary. Remember that you write a short version of a larger work: Stick to the 1/4 length of the original. Considerlinking wordsto maintain the information flow, and remember that you write in your own words. Use a so-called “sum...
HOW-TO-WRITE-A-SUMMARY怎样写一个英语总结.ppt,2021/2/11 * The writer had a fishing experience with an old man who taught him a lesson. Patience was the secret of success. 句式变化法 The writer had a fishing experience with an old man who taught him a less
6. Draft a Short Paragraph At this point, you’ve virtually outlined the introduction and body of your summary. Your thesis statement can be used as the introductory sentence to your summary, while the other main points will fall into the body paragraph. Be sure to include some transition wo...
The goal of writing a summary of an article, a chapter, or a book is to offer as accurately as possible the full sense of the original, but in a more condensed(缩减的) form. A summary restates the author’s main point, purpose, intent, and supporting details in your own words.1. ...
HowtoWriteaSummary Afathercamehomefromworklate,tiredandexhausted.Heworkeddayandnight,hopingtoearnmoremoneyforhisonlychild.His5-year-olddaughterwaswaitingforhimatthedoor.“Dad,howmuchdoyouearnanhour?”askedthedaughter.“Whydoyouaskthat?”“Ijustwanttoknow.Pleasetellmehowmuchyouearnanhour.”“Ifyou...
根据原文中第二段的第一句话 "Before you start to write, you need to complete the activities below to plan what you will write." 可知,答案为:Yes. (2) 判断推理题。原句句意:"Charlotte's Web"书的主题是什么?根据原文中给出的样例表格中第一段的第二句话 "a real friend will help you even...