Learn how to write a welcome page for your website that converts! This guide covers copywriting, SEO, building a page without code, and much more.
Website pages may look alike, but there’s one key difference. Before you write website content, you need to know what kind of page you’re creating —static, ordynamic. You write yourstatic website pagesonce, and make minimal changes to them over time. Static pages include your: Home ...
> Now as ur wscompile command in ur 2nd article it generates only wsdl file but not the client and server stubs.As not generating the stubs i could'nt get the AddService_Impl file in order to call the doadd method > after using wscompile once with -define it generates wsdl and aftertha...
When you access a web service, and you want to write data back to Dynamics NAV, you must specify the company name. You can specify the company as part of the URI as shown in the examples, or you can specify the company as part of the query parameters. For example, the following URIs...
Customer service emails are support and sales messages intended to solve a specific issue. Have in the back of your mind that if you include an email address on your website, you can expect customer service emails. The back-and-forth nature of emails will give you a bit of wiggle room ...
In this article, you’ll learn how to write effective homepage headlines that grab a reader's attention and keep them scrolling. Why do website headlines matter? Website headlines appear at the top of a page. When on a landing page, they can also be known as homepage headlines. They ser...
You can also consider adding a live chat widget that gives visitors the chance to reach out and get an immediate response, or a contact form where they can write their message directly through your site. Extras (but highly recommended): Your product or service page: The product page (or ...
A tutorial on how to write an iOS App that uses a web service. Comes with a companion tutorial showing you how to make the web service itself!
While I wouldn’t necessarily recommend starting an email (or most blog posts) like this, that’s what you’re here to learn. From the beginning to the end, this guide is everything you’ll need to know about how to write a welcome email. As someone who’s worked as a communication...
My first service learning project was volunteering my time at the OregonFoodBank. At the food bank we were asked to help repackage donated food from local or global distributors. I had volunteered at the food bank twice and on the first day we were told to repackage protein bars. These pro...