Publish and prosper : how to write a scientific research article for an academic journalWinnington, Andrew
科技论文写作 how to write a scientific research article for an academic journal
a good job in an interesting area, or getting a headstart into academia. This article details step-by-step instructions on how to write a scientific paper for publication in a medical journal. These instructions are based on a method devised by Tim Albert, a UK-based medical writing ...
How to write a scientific article如何写一篇科学文章.ppt,How to write a scientific article;Scientific article ;Elements of a research article;Peer review 同行评审;Guidline for reviewers 评审内容;Authors’ responsibility;Plagiarism抄袭;Before you start to
How to write a scientific article Introduction The task of writing a research article can be daunting. You may have completed groundbreaking research, but unless the article is correctly written, at best publication will be delayed and at worst will never be published. The purpose of this article...
如何撰写科技文章(How to write scientific and technical articles).doc,如何撰写科技文章(How to write scientific and technical articles) How to write scientific and technical articles .1, whats a tech article? .2, features of science and technology arti
The goal of scientific research is publication. A scientific experiment, no matter how spectacular the results, is not completed until the results are published. The scientist must not only "do" science but must "write" science. Certainly, many scientists do not like to write. As Charles Darwi...
why the results of some research studies are or are not valid. In addition, institutions that fund research tend to use review articles to help them decide whether further research is necessary; however, their value is only as good as the objectives achieved and how the results are ...
How to write a scientific paper HOWTOWRITEASCIENTIFICPAPER WhatisaScientificPaper?Ascientificpaperisawrittenandpublishedreportdescribingoriginalresearchresults WritingaResearchPaper •Nosinglebestway•Variesfrompapertopaper•Waittilldataanalyzed•Backgroundreading -nottooextensive-makenotes;makenotesofnotes-...
4.After you finish looking at the pictures, tables and graphs make a guess about what methods you expect to see described in the materials and methods section. Write these down. Once again, if you do not understand any of these techniques then do some research before you begin reading the...