paperwritescientific科技撰写outline HowtoWriteaScientificPaper ByGeorgeM.Whitesides DepartmentofChemistryandChemicalBiology,HarvardUniversity, Cambridge,MA02138,USA 科学论文写作* 原著:GeorgeM.Whitesides(美国) 译者:张希,林志宏 Whatisascientificpaper?Apaperisanorganizeddescriptionofhypotheses,dataandconclusions,intended...
科研方法:How-to-Write-a-Scientific-Paper-中文版.ppt Any Question? Thanks for your attention! The key to efficient use of your and my time is that we start exchanging outlines and proposals as early in a project as possible. Do not, under any circumstances, wait until the collection of ...
科研方法:How to Write a Scientific Paper 中文版 Any Question? Thanks for your attention! The key to efficient use of your and my time is that we start exchanging outlines and proposals as early in a project as possible. Do not, under any circumstances, wait until the collection of data ...
Usingpaperoutlinetoguideyourresearch AgoodoutlineforapaperisalsoagoodplanforaresearchprogramYoushouldhavetheoutlineatthebeginningofyourresearchratherthantheendofyourresearch!Donot,underanycircumstances,waituntilthecollectionofdatais"complete"beforestartingtowriteanoutline!Anoutlineisa...
The outline is an integral part ofhow to write a research paper. The main purpose of a research paper outline is to structure the topics, data, and all other inclusions in the paper (like direct quotes) so you stay organized and don’t forget anything. ...
Tips for writing a research paper outline Tip:The key to creating a useful outline is to be consistent in your headings, organization, and levels of specificity. Be Consistent: ensure every heading has a similar tone. State the topic or write short sentences for each heading but avoid doing ...
HowtoWriteaScientificPaper Lecture14 Beijing ☺ LOGO ☺ LOGO Earnestisimportant!要舍得花时间写作!审稿人会觉得对他来说很不公平––如果他觉得你只花了一天时间来写一篇文章,而他却要花一周一天时间来写一篇文章一周时间去为花了一天时间来写一篇文章,而他却要花一周时间去为你审查、推敲、修改、作者...
Howtowriteascientificpaper ColinHessel,PhD +Outline Whyiswritingpaperssoimportant?Beforeyoustartwriting HowtotellhowgoodyourresultsareKnowingyourfieldReading,reading,reading Makinggreatfigures Experimentalsection ResultsanddiscussionConclusions Theintroduction Theabstract/titleReferences Generalnotes +Whyshouldyouwrite...
文档标签: How to write a paper 系统标签: paper write whitesides figures papers microspheres + Howtowriteascientificpaper ColinHessel,PhD +Outline nWhyiswritingpaperssoimportant? nBeforeyoustartwriting nHowtotellhowgoodyourresultsare nKnowingyourfield nReading,reading,reading nMakinggreatfigures nExperimen...