Unit6HowtoWriteaRottenPoemwithAlmostnoEffort 1 StageI:Pre-readingActivities(1)•Watchthevideoandtrytoanswerthefollowingquestions:1.Whyshouldstudentsofallmajorsstudypoetry?Becausepoetryhasuniversalvalue.Itstandsforhumanpassionandloveandthesearewhatweare2.Alirveintghefosrt.udents’expressionschangingwhenthey ar...
Unit 6 How to Write a Rotten Poem with Almost no Effort ppt课件 星级: 24 页 Unit 6 How to Write a Rotten Poem with Almost no Effortppt课件 星级: 24 页 Unit 6 How to Write a Rotten Poem with Almost no Effort 星级: 24 页 Unit 6 How to write a rotten poem with almost no ...
unit6howtowritearottenpoemwithalmostnoeffort讲解.ppt,Unit 6 HOW TO WRITE A ROTTEN POEM WITH ALMOST NO EFFORT Matching. 1.cuddle v. 2.elevate v. 3.evolve v. 4.squalid a. 5. veritable a. 6. mediocre a. 7. prosaic a. 8. epic a. 9.aroma n. 10.lyric n. 11. co
UNIT6HOWTOWRITEAROTTENPOEMWITHALMOSTNOEFFORT 1 Matching.1.cuddlev.2.elevatev.3.evolvev.4.squalida.5.veritablea.6.mediocrea.7.prosaica.8.epica.9.aroman.10.lyricn.11.conjureup a.verydirty;immoral,morallydegradedb.develop;changegraduallyc.real,genuined.hugtenderly;stayclosetootherse.promote,...
how to write a rotten poem课件how to write a rotten poem课件 诗歌,是一种表达情感、展现美感的艺术形式。而一首优秀的诗歌往往能够触动读者的心灵,让人产生共鸣。但有时候,我们也可以尝试写一些“烂诗”,用一种戏谑、夸张、甚至是荒诞的方式来表达自己的情感和思想。下面就来探讨一下如何写一首“烂诗”。
19、heart talk between the writer and the reader, e.g.“The last line of your poem should deal with the future in some way.” (Paragraph 8) “Now that poem (like yours, when youre finished) is rotten.” (Paragraph 10) 15Detailed ReadingHow to Write a Rotten Poem with Almost No Eff...
Unit 6 How to Write a Rotten Poem with Almost no Effort 热度: Unit 6 How to Write a Rotten Poem with Almost no Effortppt课件 热度: unit 6 how to write a rotten poem with almost no effort课文翻译综合教程三 热度: Unit6HowtoWriteaRottenUnit6HowtoWriteaRotten ...
Unit 6 How to Write a Rotten Poem with Almost no Effortppt课件 热度: unit 6 how to write a rotten poem with almost no effort课文翻译综合教程三 热度: Unit6Unit6HowtoWriteaRottenPoemwithAlmostNoEffort课文翻译综合教程三Unit6HowtoWriteaRottenPoemwithAlmostNoEffortRichardHowey1Soyouwanttowriteapoe...