(2014). How to Write a Methodology and Results Section for Empirical Research. Journal of Criminal Justice Education 25(2): 137-156.Fox, B. H. Jennings, W. G. (2014) `How to write a methodology and results section for empirical research', Journal of Criminal Justice Education, Vol. 25...
如何撰写论文的结果部分(How to write the results section of a paper) 如何撰写论文的结果部分(How to write the results section of a paper) How to write the results of a paper,.Txt, if you love several people at the same time, you are young; if you love only one person, then you are...
Let’s examine another example of a Results section from astudy on plant tolerance to heavy metal stress. In the Introduction section, the aims of the study are presented as “determining the physiological and morphological responses of Allium cepa L. towards increased cadmium toxicity” and “eva...
Howto_Write_theResults课件 HowtoWritetheResults InRelationtotheMaterials&MethodsSection thewayitwasdone theconsequentdata InRelationtotheIntroduction thequestionposedintheIntroduction theconsequentdata AChallenge Donotsimplytransferthedatafromyourlaboratorynotebook totheResultssection;presentRepresentativedata rather...
Why do you think it’s important to have a results-oriented CV? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.
reliability (Cronbach’s alpha; α). Organize this section by hypothesis. Communicate with words, not numbers: in plain English, write simple sentences that convey the results and include statistical information to back up these statements (typically statistics are in parentheses and/or at the end...
The structure and content of the conclusion section can also vary depending on whether you are writing a research manuscript or an essay. This article will explain how to write a good conclusion section, what exactly it should (and should not) contain, how it should be structured, and what ...
There are different ways to write this section, but you can focus your writing around these key elements: Summary:A brief recap of your key results Interpretations:What do your results mean? Implications:Why do your results matter? Limitations:What can’t your results tell us?
Things to avoid in your discussion section 1.overinterpretation of results (stick to the data!) 2.Unwarranted speculation a.(e.g., if you studied college students, your results apply to that population…) b.If you do speculate, be sure to label it as such (“We speculate that..”) 3...
To make this section as easy to read as possible, you must clearly connect it to the information you provide in the introduction section before and theresults sectionafter, it needs to have a clear structure (chronologically or according to topics), and you need to present your results accordi...