Discover the best practices for how to write a job description. Start attracting top talent and optimizing your hiring process.
Before you sit down to write a position description, take time to do your research,asking key staff, funders, community members, or other stakeholdersthese important questionsby Laura Gassner Otting
How to Write a Job Description Job descriptions are the cornerstone of the recruiting process. They help to attract top talent, set expectations for qualified candidates, inform prospects about the role and company, and streamline the search process. Plus, a well-written job description gives compa...
Boost engagement and retention– Specifying the skills, experience, and qualifications a role requires minimizes the chances of unsuitable candidates applying for the position. A good job description also paints a picture of what working for the company feels like enabling you to attract candidates who...
During your career, you may be responsible for writing a job description for a position at the organisation where you work. A job description is a brief document that provides a candidate with details about the role for which they're applying. Understanding how to write a job description can...
5. Include a Salary 6. Sell the Job About Zety’s Editorial Process Sources Scroll back to the top Why’s it vital to know how to write a job description? Well— Picture your dream employee, Sharon. She’s skilled, experienced, brilliant, and she does the work of five employees. You...
The position description is the initial preview candidates will get of your company. You must write it thoughtfully and sell them on the role.
Job Description Name of Company:Date: Job Title: (Retail Manager, Receptionist, Sales Executive) Department: (Accounting, Administration, Sales) Supervisor: (Title of the supervisor e.g. Sales Manager - not the name of the person currently in that position) ...
Bring Your Job to Life A key part of knowing how to write a job description that delivers is to keep your ideal applicant in mind. Provide enough information and descriptive language to help them visualize themselves in the position. The better you can articulate the desired characteristics and...
Creating a job description is one of the most important parts of finding the best hires for your company but making a great one takes more than writing two paragraphs and a list of desired skills. Here’s what you should know to write a job description that attracts the best candidates. ...