Squared by ½: You can alsoinsert the square root symbol on a Mac, of course. Compute it: YourMac can also quickly compute the square of any number. Using Windows?How to Make the Squared Symbol on a Windows Keyboard Use Copy and Paste for Superscript Numbers ...
Type the Squared Symbol on a Windows Keyboard The easiest way to type the squared symbol is by holding the Alt key while typing 0178 on the number pad. Make sure that Num Lock is turned on for this keyboard shortcut to work. Typing the keyboard shortcut using conventional number keys (ou...
If you want to write regular text after, change it to the “Use Default” option instead if “Superscript”. Type the squared symbol in Numbers on Mac You can enter the symbol in Numbers as well. Here is how: Open your Numbers spreadsheet. Again, for example enter 42 and select 2....
How to Type the Squared Symbol (²) on Your Computer How to Write Co2 in Word How to Write Co2 With Small 2 How to Write Power of 2 in Word How to Write Square in Word How to Write Square in Word in Mobile How to Write Squared in Word Mac How to Write Superscript and Subscript...
Format letters and numbers as subscripts in Microsoft Word 2013 when you need to write mathematical equations or chemical formulas and don't have the Mathematics or Chemistry add-in installed.
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