Grants range in size and duration, but are generally a few thousand to $12,000; grant duration can extend up to 24 months. Additional funding is available for those proposing collaborative research with foreign institutions. Although they are not comparable in scale to regular NSF grants, these...
Switch to theServer Managerconsole and go toFile and Storage Services>Shares. Run New Share Wizard (Tasks>New Share) and then selectNFS Share-Quick. Specify share path and desired name. In this example we are using share namenfs. In this case, full NSF path (Remote path to share), that...
Research institutions apply for NSF grants to mentor undergraduate students and guide them through participation in an ongoing project. For students, the experience includes orientation and training, as well as a stipend and allowances for housing and travel. In most cases, students write a paper a...
I take up promiscuous feminism through the theoretical perspectives of Spivak to discuss how my feminist of color imaginary shapes my take on research and grant work. This analytical lens helps make visible how my interpretation and practice of NSF policies of BIC and ethics collide with the more...
In order to write a new symbol v to a position L the evaluator recomputes all hashes on the path from the root to L. The "opening information" for v at L is all hashes of siblings on the path from the root to L. 66 R. Canetti et al. The verification key is a sequence of ...
= grant a given permission and cancel all other permissions (if any). Set the permissions indicated by mode and use any combination of the following letters: R readable. W writable. X executable. X only appends the X attribute when the target file is executable to some user or when the ...
I decided to write a Medium essay about those reasons, grounded in Michael’s essay but updated with an AI-framing — see link here. I decided to try Medium for this because it’s a pretty long essay and many subscribers here get these posts via email. I also want to explore other pl...
Leggett, reviewing liquid3He6, writes that it is “historically the first strongly interacting system of fermions of which we have been able to obtain a semi-quantitative description in the low-temperature limit.” He also adds that the theory “seems to agree quantitatively with experiment only...
V.B. is supported in part by DARPA grant N660001-1-2-4014. R.O. is supported in part by NSF grants CNS-0830803; CCF-0916574; IIS-1065276; CCF-1016540; CNS-1118126; CNS-1136174; US-Israel BSF grant 2008411, OKAWA Foundation Research Award, IBM Faculty Research Award, Xerox Faculty Re...
The idea is to write the write full amplitude as a sum of exchange diagrams and contact diagrams, but parametrizing the vertices with undetermined coefficients. The spectrum of IIB supergravity on AdS5 × S5 is such that all the exchange diagrams can be written as a finite sum of contact ...