Before attempting to perform magic, you need to get into the right frame of both body and mind and cleanse away any doubts, demons or spiritual impurities that might distract you or make the spell go awry. Ideally purifying yourself should be a ritual in and of itself, and should leave ...
Voodoo Shop New Orleans: Unveiling Mysteries And Magic Voodoo Doctor New Orleans: Exploring The Mysteries Of The Bayou Latest Powerful Spells Hex How To Remove A Curse: A Comprehensive Guide To Break Hexes December 2, 2024 Humans have been intrigued by curses for a very long time. They have ...
One of the fastest rising stars in British radio sits at her desk in an open-plan office with a giant letter "I" hanging on the wall above her head and a reality television personality perched in the seat opposite.Burrell, Ian
I recommend a simple manifestation spell (Wish spell), luck, wealth, etc. Now, get out a piece of paper and a pen or marker. It is best not to use a pencil. Write down the spell's name, it's purpose, requirements and incantation. After you do that, place your hand over the ...
Learninghow to write a bookis hard work, and it takes more than a dream to make it happen. You must be willing to put in work every day to turn that dream into a reality. In this post, we’ll teach you how to write a novel from first idea to finished product in 15 simple steps...
You won’t need a Phoenix feather, dragon scale, and spider to write a graceful resignation letter. It’s not a magic potion, and it doesn’t require a spell. What you really need is a pinch of gratitude and a sprinkle of discretion. I’ll share a template with you on top of instr...
I actually don’t mind the spell checker, but when I have the grammar checker on, I find myself stopping every few minutes to yell, “Shut up, Imeantto write it that way!” Guess what? You have the power to switch off the checkers, so you’re able towrite without distraction. You...
So how do you write a case study that’s actually effective, then? Here are three characteristics every good case study should have: It’s digestible There’s no hard and fast rule on how long a case study should be. But it’s always a good idea to ask “how short can we make it...
In this article, learn ten secrets about how to write a story, and more importantly, how to write a story that's good.
However, last year, I decided to just write more stuff. This was a simple enough idea that I could keep it in mind, and even put it up on my white board above my desk. “Write more stuff” translates easily into whatever project I feel like doing, and as long as there is more st...