Note:When an unscrupulous seller decided to copy and list all 450 of our products on Amazon without our permission, a simple letter did the trick for us. If the seller doesn’t respond, the best way to get rid of a hijacker is to have a friend buy the counterfeit product andfile...
For fun, I decided to try and write a regular expression (yes, I know I now have two problems. Thanks.) that would validate all of these. Here’s what I came up with. (The part in bold is thelocal part. I am not worrying about checking my assumptions for thedomain partfor now.)...
One such firm named by Haaretz is known as Passitora, controlled by former senior Israeli military intelligence officer Tal Dilian as part of his Intellexa Alliance group of spyware companies. According to the report, Passitora, which is registered in Cyprus, sold a SpearHead system — a ...
Faiths4Vaccines describes itself as a “multi-faith groupof local and national religious leaders” seeking “to increase opportunities for faith-based institutions, particularly houses of worship, to engage and support the United States government in its efforts to incre...
Often there are a number of factors, which leads to its development. Many people like to understand why their problems started and your therapist will work with you to try to find a possible explanation. It would be helpful if you could write your own ideas in the box below about why ...
Note: This trick has been demonstrated as not working on Android 4.4, at least according to one user who left a comment over on TeleRead (where I learned of this trick). If your Android device runs 4.4 Kitkat, scroll down to the bottom of the page for an alternate set of instructions...