[AiCloud] How to use the AiCloud App on your phone to send files to the router? [AiCloud 2.0] How to set up the Cloud Disk in ASUS Router (AiCloud Web)? [Wireless Router][AiCloud 2.0] How to set up Sync Server? What is Sync Server? Smart Sync lets you to sync your cloud di...
[AiCloud] How to use the AiCloud App on your phone to send files to the router? [AiCloud 2.0] How to set up the Cloud Disk in ASUS Router (AiCloud Web)? [Wireless Router][AiCloud 2.0] How to set up Sync Server? What is Sync Server? Smart Sync lets you to sync your cloud di...
The IP address assigned to the VPN client is assigned to the virtual interface of the VPN client.For Windows Server 2003-based VPN servers, the IP addresses assigned to VPN clients are obtained through DHCP by default. You can also configure a static IP address pool. The VP...
In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find all the guidance and tools you’ll need to start a blog and get writing blog posts. You’ll learnhow to make your website, write your first blog post and draw in loyal readers. Sounds exciting? Let’s dive in. Starting a blog should feel ...
当然这是远远不够的,在这一节里,我们就试着让server在能对应静态资源的基础上继续支持servlet。 servlet接口 javax.servlet.Servlet接口定义了五个方法,例如以下: 我们所使用的servlet都是Servlet接口的间接实现类。 每当我们实例化一个servlet的时候,servlet容器都会先唯一的调用一次init()方法进行初始化,然后再调用...
4.解压Metamod Source和Sourcemod,都放在.../csgo-dedicated-server/csgo/目录下面那个cfg文件夹里面的Sourcemod文件夹放在.../csgo-dedicated-server/csgo/cfg里面5.打开.../csgo-dedicated-server/csgo/cfg/sourcemod的sourcemod.cfg顶部添加sv_lan 1打开.../csgo-dedicated-server/csgo/cfg的server.cfg(没有自己...
When a server gets a request, it looks to see if the requested URL matches a file that is already there. If it finds the file, it will quickly send it back. If the file isn’t there, it will show an error page. 2. Domain Name System (DNS) ...
Applies to:Windows Server 2003 Original KB number:323433 Summary A striped volume (RAID 0) combines areas of free space from multiple hard disks (anywhere from 2 to 32) into one logical volume. Data that is written to a striped volume is interleaved to all disks at the same ti...
Building a Dedicated Server from Scratch Complete the following steps to build a dedicated server from scratch: Understand and write down your server requirements. Procure quality hardware that can support the server requirements. Research and select the necessary software. Assemble the components and in...
InWhat are WebSocketsI covered some of the basics relating to WebSockets and how they can be used to enable Real-Time bi-directional communication between client and server applications. WebSockets provide a number of significant advantages to help implement Real-Time communication in applications, ...