Balance the equation: CN^- + MnO4^- = CNO^- + MnO_2 , using half-reactions. How do you balance the euation NH4OH(g)+GaCL3(g) - Ga (OH3(s)+NH4CL(ag)? Can you balance Zn(No3)2 + NH4Br = ZnBr2 + NH4NO3? In chemistry, how can one tell if an element is able to be pai...
With half the amount of acid, you can still write such a reaction MnO42-+ 2H2O2+ 2H+= Mn(OH)2+ 2O2+ 2H2O (and for this reaction of course, you can also write an infinite number of linear combinations with the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide) ...
This equation assumes that both mass and MW, or molecular weight (the same as molar mass but applied to molecules instead of single atoms), are given in milligrams. Equivalents per liter is therefore a unit of concentration, but the most commonly seen unit throughout chemistry is the mEq/L...
Explain how to balance a redox equation in chemistry. Balance the redox reaction in acid. What is the coefficient on H^+? CuS(s) + NO^-_3(aq) --> Cu^2+(aq) + SO^2-_4(aq) + NO (g) Balance the following redox reaction in acid. Wh...
Write poorly and you'll bore, exasperate and ultimately lose your readers. Write well, and they'll respond in the way you plan. Figure 2. Markets for technical writing. 3 CONCEPT—Making a Concept-Sheet When you can't write, it is because you don't know what you want to say. The ...
learn intro to algebra for free online proportion printables how to solve exponents in excel nonlinear equation, Matlab algerbra solver second order homogeneous example math worksheets for solving one step algebraic equations with fractions lesson plans multiplying and dividing integers using ti-84...
First you wrote down a wave equation and a wave function, which putatively described the state of a living system. Then you imagined some operator that in physics is used to describe the dynamics of such a system. He started with an initial state and then subjected it to the operation. ...
怎样提高化学成绩(How to improve your chemistry achievement) How to make a qualitative leap in chemistry? Seven strategies to bid farewell to poor students - how to make a qualitative leap in Chemistry Key words: poor students, short-term, chemical achievements, learning methods, strategies Every...
Standard deviation is a quantity representing the amount of dispersion. It refers to the deviation of a value from the mean of all values. The equation for measuring standard deviation is: √((∑(Xi-µ)²/n)) Xiis the i-th value of the entire population, ...
Anne : Hi and thank you for your question. In the first instance, we have to complete the equation between potassium iodide and lead nitrate KI (aq) + Pb(NO3)2 (aq) -- PbI2 (s) + KNO3 (aq) It is a precipitation reaction. Then we need to balance the equation 2KI...