Learn how to write a haiku. Discover what a haiku is and the unique structure of a haiku. View haiku topics and examples of haiku. View inspiration...
summer, fall, or winter. I’ve decided to write a haiku about winter, and I know that in the last line I will want to make an observation. I want to say that winter is almost here, but we aren’t quite ready for the snow. Maybe it’s that we haven...
The roadmap below outlines what steps we’ll take to write and publish a children’s book:Questions to Consider Before Writing a Children’s BookWill parents want to buy this book?For books marketed to younger audiences, you need to know that parents will want to buy this book. Children ...
Putting thought and feeling into writing as a response to art is a little different than other forms of writing. Learn the qualities of good...
In general, if you are an employer with staff, or a creditor, or working on a council or some other government body, chances are you will need to know how to write a good approval letter. This means being aware of the writing style you should use for an approval letter, and using ...
There’s no time like the present to write a card for any of the meaningful people in your life, including your mom. Example of a Father’s Day card If you follow the steps above, you should end up with a card that is personal, honest, and sincere. Younger kids may take a simpler...
Instead of thinking in such limiting terms, it's better to think of poetry as a creative form of expression -- one that has many tools and is constantly evolving. So how is a poem different from other types of writing? Most text that you read and write on a daily basis -- novels, ...
It’s a design activity, and I learned a lot from it, but I don’t know how to write about it as scholarship. I finally decided to write this blog post so that I could share the whole big Padlet whiteboards. Traditional publication venues would be unlikely to let me put these big ...
Bypassing the urge to write new material on their rocking Christmas album, 2006'sA Twisted Christmas, Twister Sister instead took the most recognizable holiday classics in the book and made them faster, louder and more aggressive. The result — which, to date, equate to the group's seventh an...
I was initially skeptical of Sutskever’s claim—I hadn’t learned to identify cats by looking at ten million reference images, and I hadn’t learned to write by scanning the complete works of humanity. But the fossil record shows that the nervous system first developed several hundred million...