Then she hears a soft sob, creeps on her hands and knees, and finds “a small bundle curled up in a corner.” A child still alive, with no gunshot wounds. As she lifts the child and runs for safety there is another explosion. She lands hard, protecting the child, but someone is ...
In explaining the conventions of writing an audio theatre script, I'll work from the general to the specific, starting with a typical page of a script. Learn to read a professional script, then write your own, using my free downloadable MS Wordradio drama script template. A short, professi...
You create a GUN object, two FOOT objects and a BULLET object. The GUN passes both the FOOT objects a reference to the BULLET. The FOOT objects increment their hole counts and forget about the BULLET. A little demon then drives a garbage truck over your feet and grabs the bullet (both ...
Harry Shoup, the commander on duty that night, made sure each child knew Santa was on his way, and a tradition was born. A wrong number led to the traction of tracking Santa each year with the formation of NORAD in 1958. Now every year Santa’s location on December 24th is reported ...
This left me very little time to write The Great Novel. I roughed out a plot, the usual semi-autobiographical guff, and showed it to my then wife who pronounced it awful. Early one morning, unable to sleep, I burned it in the living room fireplace. II October duly arrived and relieved...
Meyer had recently struck up a friendship with Ebert, and so he invited him to co-write “BtVotD.” In his DVD commentary track for the film, Ebert describes how he and Meyer settled on their approach to the material: “We looked at the movie, ‘Valley of the Dolls,’ in a ...
Try again, dear Abe, ’cause the “Goyim” are catching on to you and your cousins’ Jewish lies.ARE WE OUT OF OUR MINDS?“RAIDING THE FLOTILLA IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS,” writes Eric Posner in the Wall Street Journal, “is reasonable and has legal precedent.”...
Write in volume cues. There may be a line or lines that need to be said much louder than others or keywords you need to really punch. Think of your script like music by writing in crescendos, decrescendos, and accents. TELL US WHAT YOU THINK Which technique do you find most helpful fo...