But if you wanted to take onomatopoeia a step further you could alter the word, or even make up a new word, to describe the sound. For example, say you have a very specific idea of what that sound is, so instead of saying that the gravelcrunched, maybe you make up a word that, w...
“I’m guessing you want to write copy that sells. You want to write copy so irresistible it makes your readers scramble down the page — begging to do whatever it is you want when they’re done reading — whether it’s to make a purchase, send a donation, or join your newsletter.”...
What makes a good scary story? Here’s a few pointers on how to write a scary story to start you off in the right direction.
Scene headings such as,EXT. EMPTY BATTLEFIELD - NIGHTmay seem too "visual" for aradiodrama, but they are very important to quickly and easily establish the setting for actors, composers, sound effects artists, sound designers, engineers and directors. Without this brief description, everybody mu...
Do you roll your eyes and groan more than you laugh and smile when going through your various social media feeds? Then perhaps it's time to clear out the social media clutter, Marie Kondo style. Feb 4, 2019 Why Are iPhones Still Limited to 9 Apps Per Folder Page?
That’s a very good reason that we might elect to go this route: for the writer who has to throw together a very brief synopsis in a hurry, it’s undeniably quicker to write a pitch (which this style of synopsis is, yes?) than to take the time to make decisions about what is ...
He has worked closely with Apple devices for well over a decade, from producing music in Logic Pro for a BSc in Sound Technology to managing iPhone and Mac repairs at an Apple Store. Since 2017, he has used this experience—alongside editorial training from the CIEP—to write tutorials, tro...
To make the task a trifle more challenging, let’s remove the conceit of present-day headline value. Doesn’t sound as though it has nearly as large a target audience as the first version, does it? That’s not necessarily a drawback in a nonfiction synopsis, by the way: in this case...
I have also discovered no correlation between how emotionally fraught it is for me to write a book and the book’s success. How To Ditch Your Fairy was the easiest and most fun book to write, thus far it’s been my most successful. Despite my struggles on the rewrite of the liar book...
But there are three meanings to the line: We’re not doing “kid” things (kiddin) we’re doing “grown” things (groanin) When someone “kids” (jokes) you laugh. If it’s not funny, one might groan in disappointment instead Moaning (or groaning) is a sound that most people make ...