During the day, when I'm not writing fiction, I write for a company that simulates difficult conversations. When we (the writing team) are working on dialogue, we will often say to each other, “Put it in your mouth.” “ Reading dialogue out loud will help you know if you've picke...
In this article, learn ten secrets about how to write a story, and more importantly, how to write a story that's good.
I mostly work in the live production style, where the dialogue, music, and sound effects occur in real time as the program is being performed for stage, recording, or broadcast. These guidelines will aid you greatly if you produce in a similar manner, but will also be useful if you recor...
Fringe benefit: since he has embraced our earlier premise that a good nonfiction synopsis is a miniaturized book proposal, all he would need to do in order to lengthen this 1-page wonder into a longer synopsis, should he need one, would be to add more specifics and beef up his credential...
Speaking of getting set in one’s ways — or, at any rate, in one’s worldview — do you remember how at the beginning of this series, I mentioned that one reason that there’s so much conflicting advice out there about how to write a winning query letter is that to the people who...
In fact, I’ve already written a short story set in that world and it will be out late this year or early next. Very excited about turning it into a novel. But even if I don’t write that novel I’m still going to cross off dystopia when that short story is available. As for ...
While you should be getting giggles, all you’re getting is an occasional groan. Perhaps it’s time to give up. Maybe your brand is just not meant to be funny. Here’s the thing: No brand is automatically born funny. Humor is a skill that has to be learned. The truth is, if othe...
All writers absolutely need to read the best post I’ve ever written: “12 Steps to Write a Bestselling Novel.” Pause on your obsession with kissing and plunge headlong into the best guide post on novel writing. You won’t regret it. Dolphin-Slippery Kissing in Sophie’s Choice Considered...
Want to put your soul back into your writing? And reach out through your screen to touch your readers? Start with yourself If we want to write with kindness, we have to start with being friendly and helpful to ourselves. In her bookHow to Communicate Like a Buddhist, Cynthia Kane recommen...
Nice conflict and a good bit of sarcastic humor. I liked it. Marianne on January 11, 2012 at 8:36 pm Thanks Joe. I had fun writing that and it is really a fifteen minute one. I can write a lot more dialogue than description in fifteen minutes. Weird. I would think that it ...