I'm not a hardcore coder, but for script groups or web applications that I might write in PHP, Perl, or shell scripts, I always supply a README file so that anyone who uses or supports my application will be able to better understand it and its function. You may write your README i...
I'm not a hardcore coder, but for script groups or web applications that I might write in PHP, Perl, or shell scripts, I always supply a README file so that anyone who uses or supports my application will be able to better understand it and its function. You may write your README i...
How to Write Thorough Step-By-Step Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): This is a quick how-to on writing how-tos or standard operating procedures that offer step-by-step instructions on how to complete the intended work — very useful when creating aninternal company wikior knowledge base. ...
you might include a message that looks something like this: “Updates README for punctuation”. Now imagine a README file update with any of the following commit messages: “uPdatEd puNcTUatiOn”, “made fixes”, or “Chipotle rules”. It’s easy to see how this style of commit ...
README How to write a JIT compiler First up, you probably don't want to. JIT, or more accurately "dynamic code generation," is typically not the most effective way to optimize a project, and common techniques end up trading away a lot of portability and require fairly detailed knowledge ...
Packagesfor existing reusable apps you could incorporate in your project. Django itself is also a normal Python package. This means that you can take existing Python packages or Django apps and compose them into your own web project. You only need to write the parts that make your project ...
You might be tempted to write code that serves up a file from disk like this:var http = require('http'); var fs = require('fs'); var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { fs.readFile(__dirname + '/data.txt', function (err, data) { res.end(data); }); }); ...
How to write a BrikBloc game with HTML5 SVG and Canvas Script Junkie | Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse with HTML5 and SVG, Part 2: Text, Paths and Basic Animation Image Library_001P How Curse.com makes an addon client for WoW 3 Breakthrough Ways to Visualize HTML5 TFS Scoped Library UX...
The Repository is created with a README file. Adding Collaborators to the GitHub Repository We would want the team to work on this repository. For this, we will have to invite the collaborators to work on the repository. To add collaborators, go to the main page of the Repository and clic...
If you’re a plugin developer and you just love to write code, then writing areadme.txtfile for a plugin in WordPress’ repository might be your idea of hell. When you’ve written all of that lovely code, why must you spend time writing about how to use it?