I am trying to implement some business logic in a PL/pgSQL function. I have hacked together some pseudo code that explains the type of business logic I want to include in the function. Note: This function returns a table, so I can use it in a query like: SELECT A.col1, B.col1 F...
PostreSQL Documentation states that to call a function which does not return any resultset, it is sufficient to write only its name and properties. So I try to call the function like this: "saveUser"(3,'asd','asd','asd','asd','asd'); But I get the error below: ERROR: syntax e...
14 Get TEXT value of a CLOB OID in Postgresql 1 I can't figure out how to call a function with a trigger, keeps saying function doesn't exist 2 Call dblink from a trigger function 0 Multiple THEN outputs on a PostgresQL query 0 Using to_base64 function and regexp_replace wi...
when I add return query to function I got this error ERROR: syntax error at or near "RETURN" LINE 18: RETURN query SELECT * from t1,t2 解决方案: You can not return the values from a function returning . If you want to return the rows after insertion you can try below mentioned f...
Example #1: How to Locate a Substring in a String Using the POSITION() Function? Let’s understand how thePOSITION()function works in PostgreSQL: SELECT POSITION('commandprompt' IN 'Welcome to commandprompt.com'); ThePOSITION()function will find the substring in the given string. Once the ...
With this current set up, I couldn't do WHERE a.key = 'wheelchair_accessible AND a.key = 'wifi' Is there a better way of setting up these tables to make this query easier? I'm new to relational databases and it's likely I'm missing something obvi...
Let’s see how to encode function works in PostgreSQL: The PostgreSQL encode function has two input parameters: first, for the text or string with casting property, and the next is that binary textual format. Whatever parameters encode a function should be the same as a decode function. ...
4.PostgreSQL interval value to string conversion We can convert an interval value to the string by using a TO_CHAR() function provided by PostgreSQL as follows: Syntax: TO_CHAR(interval,format) Explanation: Interval:The interval value.
“DECLARE var_name data_type:= expression;” syntax. Variables keep the mutable data that can be modified using a function or block code. However, the constant variables can be declared using the CONSTANT keyword. This write-up illustrated a thorough guide on how to declare a variable in ...
Add column to text file Add columns to PowerShell array and write the result to a table Add computer to AD group Add computers to domain in bulk / mass Add Computers to Security Group Based on OU Add current date to email subject line Add custom AD attribute to user depending on parent...