In MATLAB, 4x is just a syntax error. (With the subtle and singular exception that things like 1i are interpreted by the parser as 1*sqrt(-1).) What did MATLAB tell you? That MATLAB had a problem where the little arrow points. And you already k...
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Open in MATLAB Online I want to display a simple equation, containing a fraction () on the Simulink mask icon. In a plot I could do it with the following code: ThemeCopy text(0.5, 0.5, '$\alpha = \frac{\Delta T}{RC+\Delta T}$', 'interp','latex'); Unfortunatelly Simu...
Your method is very smart. However, the key is to know the fraction of each pixel. Thus, based on the crossing points calculated by your method, I write the below code to compute the fraction for each pixel. Could you please give me some suggesti...
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How to segment/crop characters from a Bengali... Learn more about image processing, image segmentation, image analysis, ocr, bengali MATLAB, Image Processing Toolbox
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Youcanread/write the variables in a form that an m-file can be parsed to read them; it would look something like [num txt]=xlsread('../../NALCOProjectExcelDoNotRelocate','Sheet1'); fid=fopen('pqfile.m','w'); fori=1:length(num) ...
passes. actually it uses the elements of matrix A. for instance, at the second time step the height from the center line that changes to one is the second element of matrixA and so on. if you take a look at my foor loops, you can understand the logic of ho...
How to resolve this error "Code generation... Learn more about mxarray error MATLAB, Simulink