The “Absolutely” portion of the term refers to the fact that it’s the absolute value of the function that must be integrable on the real line (Feeman, 2015). In notation, we can write that as: On the other hand, a function that isn’t absolutely integrable has an infinite value ...
Hint: You may write the function as f(x) = a(x-b)(x-c)(x-d) where b, c, and d, are integers and a is a fraction. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm lost... Physics news on Observing gain-induced group delay between multiphoton pulses generated in ...
In this task I am looking for 2. The attempt at a solution I tried transforming the first equation using trig identities. I got this far and got stuck: Is there a trick to get from this to the fraction I am looking for? (Please note this is a part of a bigger...