If you’ve thought about using a flashback scene in your writing but haven’t been quite sure where to begin, you’re in the right place. We’ll demystify the purpose of this device in literature, show you how to write flashbacks in your writing, and give you some examples of flashbac...
For example, if your protagonist is a recently divorced woman, telling or showing the reader what led to the divorce before your book began is exposition. It’s something that isn’t actually happening in the plot, but that’s important for the reader to know. These background details helps...
Altogether, if you remember only one thing about omniscient POV, remember that you need to write as the storyteller. You should not be role-playing as a character in the story. If you can view characters from the outside and include your own commentary, most other things will fall into pl...
Three months ago—two months ago, one week ago—I’d have wanted to be in the position to have to answer that question. “Are you willing to make a fair number of changes to your novel to make it marketable to major publishers?” I’d have been envious of anyone...