manuscript reviewers or journal editors if they use their own voice. Students tell me they are inspired to write, but worry that their adviser won’t be supportive of creativity. It is a concern. We need to take a fresh look at the ...
Manuscripts may have a rigidly defined structure, but there’s still room to tell a compelling story — one that clearly communicates the science and is a pleasure to read. Scientist-authors and editors debate the importance and meaning of creativity and offer tips on how to write a top ...
How to write a first-class paper 如何写出一流的论文 相关领域 班级(哲学)计算机科学人工智能 网址 DOI 10.1038/d41586-018-02404-4doi 其它期刊:Nature 作者:Gewin V 出版日期:2018/03/01 求助人 ...
strong argument. The rationale arrangements will share of the convincing power and keep in mind that you are not obliged to go over the detail, since your argument will be elaborated and protected in the next part of the paper. There are few ways to learnhow to write a first class essay...
布雷特•门斯(Brett Mensh)和康拉德•科尔丁(Konrad Kording)总结出了写好结构化论文的10条规则。门斯在回应《自然》杂志职业特点栏目采访稿“如何写出一流的文章”时指出(Virginia Gewin,How to write a first-class paper,Nature 555, 129-130 (2018)):(报道这10条法则的文章)列出了使用背景-内容-结论三...
How to write a world class paper; Part 2.Loosdrecht, M. Van (Elsevier)
2016年3月17日上午,陈中方教授受邀南开大学材料科学与工程学院并作精彩报告---“How to Write a Good Scientific Paper?”。据悉,陈教授2000年毕业于南开大学化学系获得物理化学博士学位,后在洪堡基金会等资助下在德国和美国做博士后,...
How_to_Write_a_World_Class_Paper ScientificandMedicalEditingandWriting HOWTOWRITEAWORLDCLASSPAPER TIPS,TRAPSANDTRAVESTIES 撰稿人DanielMcGowan,PhD理文编辑学术总监 提纲 •出版还是出局…•写出高质量的文章•准备•组织结构•语言•技术资料•根据审稿意见改写稿件并回复审稿意见 •论文发表道德规范 •...
How to Write a World Class Paper From title to references From submission to revision September 2009, Elsevier Outline: How to prepare a publication Why is it so important to write a GOOD paper? Why do scientists publish? What is a good manuscript? How to write a good manuscript Preparations...
《Nature》How to write a first-class paper? 《自然》如何撰写顶级论文? 作者: Virginia Gewin 译者:本硕博资讯 微信公众号:本硕博资讯 五角星“★”标注处 对于论文写作有更深层次的帮助 建议仔细研读 1、信息传达要清晰明确 作者:Angel Borja, marine scientist at AZTI-Tecnalia, a producer of sustainable ...