These are just a few to help get you started. My online course,The Pleasure Devotional, has many more, including activities and guided practices that can support you in radically transforming your relationship to pleasure. Let your intuition and inner wisdom guide you into deeper exploration with ...
1. Write a heartfelt thank-you note. And, don’t just sign your name! Sometimes the best way to show our true hearts is to write down our feelings. Be specific - call out their good deeds, recall special memories or inside jokes and most importantly, be sincere. Remember, your words...
Something special happens when you write down specific goals. There’s a reason God said, “Write the vision, and make it plain,” in Habakkuk 2:2 (KJV). So get those goals down on paper, along with all the steps it’ll take for you to make them happen. OurGoal Tracker Worksheetis... Write calligraphy using God’s word. Conquer pornography with the power of community. Ask for Prayer plus 700 club information. 365 promises from the Bible. Relationships don’t have to be complicated. 52-Lives...
The semicolon in our example sentence highlights that the reason you can’t go out tonight is that you have a big test tomorrow. You wouldn’t write, “English is my fifth period class; I can’t go out tonight,” because those two main clauses have nothing to do with each other. I...
He has contributed articles to a variety of print and online publications, including InfoBloom, and his work has also been featured in poetry collections, devotional anthologies, and newspapers. When not writing, Malcolm enjoys collecting vinyl records, following minor league baseball, and cycling. ...
The first piece of the puzzle is to figure out what your target audience looks like. While your goal is ultimately to attract as much blog traffic as possible, you’re more likely to succeed if you focus on a niche audience rather than attempting to write ageneralistChristian blog. ...
their daily routines. Whether used in a classroom, children’s church,Sunday School, or family devotionals, these printable aids offer a dynamic way to explore and deepen one’s prayer life, ensuring that the timeless practice of meditation continues to enrich and guide us in our spiritual ...
Devotionals Bible Talk Scripture Studies Tips & TechniquesHow To Lead A Bible Study Group That Sparks Discussion Sparking discussion is critical to an engaging Bible Study group. The leader plays a pivotal role in cultivating meaningful conversations. Here are some strategies on how to lead a Bible...
Six years doesn’t seem like a lot, but to me if feels like a thousand lifetimes. And it also feels like a thousand lifetimes worth of lessons that I cannot begin to even touch the surface of writing about. But I thought I would write a few main lessons I’ve learned over the years...