each body paragraph compares and contrasts a specific element of both subjects. This is more challenging to write but does a better job of highlighting the similarities and differences between the subjects. Here is an example outline. Use as many body paragraphs as you need to build your case!
If you’re going to write a strong thesis, you’ll want to make sure you know your approach before going in. Here are some pro tips to help you get started. Pro tip #1: Pick topics that interest you. It’s way easier to write about something you like or care about. Need some hel...
When you’re unsure what to say about a product, writing descriptions can get challenging. It’s tempting to resort to general, overused phrases such as “effective” or “high quality.” However, clichés fail to impress potential buyers. They’ve heard these claims before, and they don’t...
1.Whenashortpartofastorygoesbacktoeventsinthepast:2.whensometimestheflashbacksandthepresentalternate(交替出现)throughthestory3.usuallyorganizedintheorderinwhichincidentsactuallyoccurred.AnOutlineforNarrationWriting I.IntroductionEstablishestheplot(setting,characters,andtimeperiod)II.BodyFirstmajorevent...
How To Build a Research Team in 2025: 13 Essential Steps Feb 19, 2025 | 12 Min Popular articles Hiring & Management Articles Level the Playing Field: How SMBs Leverage Tech To Compete with Giants Feb 6, 2025 | 7 Min Hiring & Management ...
How do you write a product description statement? To write an effective product description, follow these steps: Know your audience:Understand who your ideal customer is and what they care about. Use language and terminology that resonates with them. ...
The FGs included similar questions to the in-depth interview, but in order to elicit as high a number of responses as possible, the participants were asked to initially write each developmental outcome on a sticky note and to submit all of their answers into an opaque container. Subsequently,...
Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a typical introduction works. Expository essay example: Introduction In many ways, the invention of the printing press marked the end of the Middle Ages.The medieval period in Europe is often remembered as a time of intellectual and po...
How to Write a Research Paper MLA Style How to Make a Visual Essay Easy Research Paper-Writing Using Sources How to Write a Paper Without Making Common Mistakes
it’s no wonder that sometimes important messages can get unnoticed or forgotten. That’s why we want to show you how to write an effective reminder email that will grab the attention of the receiver. Whether you are trying to follow up on a meeting, inform colleagues about an upcoming eve...