Write down everything you can think about your subject. You want to describe this subject as vividly as you can, so think about smells, tastes, and noises along with what you see. Try to use vivid adjectives to describe these sensory experiences. Look up sense-describing words for help. Y...
In this article, learn ten secrets about how to write a story, and more importantly, how to write a story that's good.
How to perform at a live rap concert {Answer : Get the crowd involved} It may be your live show, but they did spend their money to watch you. So why not get them involved? Tell them to scream and shout, tell them to jump in every other hook, wave their hands in the air, go ...
The Common App essay prompts for the 2023-2024 cycle have not changed from previous years, with the exception of prompt #4. Each allows writers to take a different path and perspective on their lives and issues. Choosing the prompt that lines up best with the personal story of yourself you...
But let’s, let’s go to the issue at hand. So one, young woman writes that I don’t have the exact quote, I can’t find. It now ’cause the guy has a kazillion comments on his on his Instagram. So I read it earlier, basically that she doesn’t like how Chrissy talking to...
You can see how all this plays out in a view here: I don't have to key in any of the Composition, Movement Name or Movement # fields. I make sure my [Name] field is fixed when I rip or immediately after I import, and the rest is done automatically. That works well, because I...
Enter pair programming, a technique that pairs two developers together to write code collaboratively. It’s like having a workout buddy to keep you motivated and spot you on the bench press. Pair programming offers several benefits when it comes to bug prevention: Real-time code review: With...
to write a study which concluded that direct investments were benign. He tried to hire FHLBB members or their wives. He finagled the appointment by President Reagan of his friend and debtor, Lee H. Henkel Jr., to the FHLBB. He recruited help from a group of US senators who later becam...
We write x ⋈ y if neither xRy nor yRx holds. We assume that some reflexive and symmetric similarity relation ∼ is given that describes which elements in X are similar to each other.4 In what follows, we simply say that x and y are similar rather than writing x ∼ y or y ...
Letters were slow, which means that for Peiresc's purposes they were perfect. “The ruminative aspect of letters, the embedded patience of them,” Beckerman writes, “avoided what might otherwise feel like the locked horn confrontation of one system of truth trying to overtake another.” Indeed...