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这一小章是给初次指导论文教师的建议。 不要事无巨细地过度指导(micromanage)。给学生提出问题,提出建议即可。 把握好分寸,对学生的期望不要过高。记住是在指导本科论文,不是硕士或博士论文。 指导论文最重要的一步是帮助学生find a good question。好的问题既要manageable又不能太窄。 可以让学生写对他们以后找工...
作者在第3章Taking Effective Notes and Avoiding Plagiarism里介绍了一种叫Q-quotes引用法。 Q-quotes的优点: 记号比引号大,看笔记的时候不容易漏看。标明了页码(引号不行)。能更好的“处理引用中带引用”的…
How to write a thesis EnglishMajors’BAThesisWriting2013 Whyshouldwewritethethesis?Towriteathesisbeforegraduationisamustforeveryuniversitygraduate.AccordingtoSyllabusforEnglishMajorsofHigherEducationinChina,graduationthesiswriting,asanindispensablepartofBachelor’sdegreeeducation,isameanstoassessstudents’comprehensive...
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How to Write a Paper 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 101 作者: M Ashby 摘要: This brief manual gives guidance in writing a paper about your research. Most of the advice applies equally to your thesis or to writing a research proposal. The content of the paper reflects the kind of work...
How to Write a BA Thesis: A Practical Guide from Your First Ideas to Your Finished Paper The senior thesis is the capstone of a college education, but writing one can be a daunting prospect. Students need to choose their own topic and select the right adviser. Then they need to work ste...
Restate the thesis statement End on a “so what?” statement. Don’t lose track of time While it’s vital you spend adequate time reviewing the instructions, sources, and prompt, it’s a lost cause if you don’t leave yourself enough time to outline and write!
You don’t guest post for fun, right? The whole idea of guest posting is to increase brand awareness and get new prospects to your site. Your author bio is the bridge that gets them there. Write a blah bio, readers won’t be engaged enough to follow you to your site. Nail it, and...
Lots of students dread essay writing. These ten essay tips will teach you how to not only write a great essay, but have fun while doing it.