When you write a business plan, you may discover how much money your small business needs to accomplish your goals. Learn how to write an effective business plan with these 11 steps.
While no federal or state laws require you to do so, a notice period allows sufficient time to tie up loose ends and say your goodbyes without throwing the company’s operations into disarray. So if you plan to move on from your current position, hand in your resignation letter at least ...
With so much information flooding our inboxes, it’s no wonder that sometimes important messages can get unnoticed or forgotten. That’s why we want to show you how to write an effective reminder email that will grab the attention of the receiver. Whether you are trying to follow up on a...
It seemed easy to write off the Indiana Fever's 2024 season as a rebuilding year at the end of May. They had won just one of their first nine games, and looked like they were trying to figure out how to even play together. But since the calendar flipped to June, the Fever have fou...
Learn how to write Instagram captions, whether they help explain the photo, crack a joke, or encourage your followers to take an action. Then, see examples of good Instagram captions that apply each technique.
Writing short stories is an invaluable way to grow your writing craft. Learn how to write a short story with this article.
In this post, I'm going to show you exactly how to write a crazy effective LinkedIn headline that will get you more visibility, more job interviews, and more qualified leads. We'll specifically cover: How to choose the right type of LinkedIn headline for your goals Avoiding the 2 major ...
but rather that many students write about these subjects, so they don’t stand out as much. Of course, some students are able to write a genuine and unique essay about one of these topics, but it’s hard to pull off. You’re better off writing about more nuanced aspects of your ident...
“I’m distracted by so many other things” or struggling with “motivation to complete my novel when I have very little spare time.” Some writers have hardly any time to write because theywork long hours in their day job. But for a lot of writers (me included), the problem looks a...
Internal packaging is used to cushion your product and fill gaps inside the box to stop the goods from moving around. Styrofoam used to be a favourite, but this has now been banned in many countries as it’s so damaging to the environment. There are many different types of internal packagi...