Test for calcium deposits. Put on safety goggles and rubber gloves to avoid direct contact with the acid. Using a glass eye dropper, suction some muriatic acid directly into the dropper and apply several drops directly into a filled pool. If the water bubbles or foams, the pool needs descali...
Spray weeds that appear in the cracks in a sidewalk until they are coated with acid. The solution will kill the weeds through the cracks and prevent them from returning. Surround the weed with a drop cloth to prevent overspray onto the sidewalk. Muriatic acid can etch a sidewalk if it is ...
When your tub has the proper pH levels, the water is less likely to become cloudy. If the ideal concentrations change, you will need to adjust the pH: To raise the pH level, you can add soda ash (sodium carbonate) to the water. To lower the pH level, add muriatic acid (hydrochloric...
Muriatic acid can kill plants. If you are working near greenery, spray water over the plants to protect them from the acid. Have a baking soda and water nearby to neutralize the acid if it comes into contact with plants. Be sure to have adequate ventilation such as fan. Always add the ...
Others recommend more elaborate measures — drilling holes or pounding nails through the drive; throwing it in a fire; cooking it in a microwave oven; or soaking it in diluted hydrochloric or muriatic acid. That all sounds a bit fiendish and can be hazardous to your health as well (acid ba...
The last thing you want to do is leave a bunch of nasty debris and bacteria sitting in your filter all winter. Yuck. Get all that gunk out before you close so you start the next pool season with a nice, clean filter. Remove it, wash it withpool filter cleanerormuriatic acid, then ...
Use a solution of one part muriatic acid to ten parts water to clean your driveway. Dilute the muriatic acid and pour it into a plastic watering can. Wet your driveway with water, then start at the highest part of the driveway and sprinkle acid over the full driveway surface. Applying...
Pour a gallon of water into a plastic sprinkler can. Wearing a vapor respirator, pour 12 ounces of 32% muriatic acid into 15 cups of water (for smaller or larger amounts, use 1 part acid to 10 parts water) in the sprinkler can. Mix the solution for a few seconds with a paint stirr...
While cyanuric acid is technically an acid, it’s very different from other acids (like muriatic acid). Cyanuric acid dissolves in water and does not significantly affect your pH, alkalinity, or calcium hardness levels. However, like other pool chemicals, cyanuric acid must be handled with cauti...
Click To View Please Pardon The Mess After an extended hiatus, I’m now in the process of updating all the info/resources here on Tipnut. Things are a tad wonky atm but I hope to be back on track in the near future. Please be patient with bloopers while I tidy up....