Do you know you can make phyllo dough at home? Check out my step-by-step recipe with the video here:Homemade Phyllo Dough Recipe (Filo Pastry). Make the syrup first, so it is cold before you pour it onto the hot baklava. The difference in temperature between the phyllo and syrup is...
Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface, and divide into 4 equal portions. Work with 1 portion at a time and cover the rest loosely with plastic wrap. Dust the dough with just enough flour so it doesn't stick, then roll it into 1/3" (1 cm) thickness. With a pasta machine...
Here's one more fact about holiday shopping in Illinois; shipping deadlines for Christmas delivery are almost here, so that means last-minute shopping will have to be done IN stores. To avoid panic and impulse buying, you might want to check out these shopping tips from Bank of America. Go...
Stretch the dough on a tablecloth until it starts to look translucent. You should be able to read the titles of a newspaper placed under the dough. In the end, the sheet of dough should be stretched into a rectangular shape, with the shorter edge fitting the baking sheet lengthwise. Thick...
a pocket full of posies 装满花束的口袋——It comes from the time of the Black Death - the stench of the dead was overwhelming - so people had bunches of fragrant flowers with them - “posies” to offset the stench.它来自于黑死病的年代——死者的臭气扑鼻而来——所以人们随身带着一束束芳香...
It could also be used to drain liquids. Rolling pin You can buy one-piece rolling pins or the type with a fixed handle at either end, depending on which you find easiest. For really smooth results make sure the pin is wide enough to fully cover the width of dough or icing you are ...
Once the ugali is cooked, it’s left to set—a bit like polenta—after which people grab a handful, squeezing the dough in the palm of their hand into a bowl-shape with which they scoop up the rest of the meal. Foz and I prep all the food together and Foz makes our incredible sau...