Acids and alkalis are simply chemicals that dissolve in water to form ions (atoms with too many or too few electrons). An acid dissolves in water to form positively charged hydrogen ions (H+), with a strong acid forming more hydrogen ions than a weak one. An alkali (or base) dissolves...
Alkalis are a group of chemicals that react with acids. Substances such as soap are alkalis and bicarbonate of soda, which we use in baking, and also harmful things like bleach are alkalis. You can make a straightforward red cabbagepH indicatorto determine whether a substance is an acid or ...
If you feel suffocation, make sure to rush to an open area and get some fresh air. Always wear a new protective suit for each work shift. Discard the former protective suit or wash it completely with detergents. If you have not washed your hands, never use them on your face. ...
Due to years of use, the flooring around the drain-channels in the process basement had become deteriorated and uneven. As a result of this, chemical waste (including organic and inorganic acids, alcohols, alkalis, halocarbons) had begun to pool in certain areas, rather than running down the ...
Grease bases like aluminum and lithium are best(chlorinated compounds are not acceptable). Make sure the grease is thin enough so it won't inhibit the action of the weapon (usually NLGI #0 is best). Also look for good cold working characteristics, resistance to acids/alkalis and water (...