abandon, or dismiss someone or something that has become redundant, obsolete, useless, or unwanted.例句:I can't believe that after 20 years of hard work the company would just kick me to the curb like that!I think it's about time we kick this old computer to the curb.I heard...
Great for building better reaction-time and aim, but has the adverse effect of making your game sloppy. Deathmatch servers are complete chaos. There's no time to stop, so it's great for rusty players who haven't played in a long time, or people new to first person shooters. If you p...
Why you should always warm up before working out When doing warm-ups, we’re physically warming our body temperature and muscles (hence the name) to prepare for the exercise. Improved mobility As a muscle warms up, reaction time and contraction time all decrease. This allows your body to ...
2. While-Making: How to Record a Reaction Video There is no need for a piece of fancy recording equipment while making an expressive reaction video as sometimes lightening up your gear can even expedite your work. And this is what VideoProc – a one-stop solution for doing reaction videos ...
Find the best time to ask by working out when a customer is most likely to have some feedback that they want to give. Customer journey mappingis a great way to identify the significant steps in the lifecycle of your customers and it will pinpoint the best times at which to measure custo...
Gradually, as I proved myself to people around me, compliments became more frequent, and in due course of time, I learned how to deal with compliments effectively. Not to flaunt, I do get great compliments in the workplace, and they literally make my day. For a minute or two, I can...
A response essay is generally meant to provide the reader with a better understanding of how you personally feel about a particular subject. As such, when you complete a response or reaction essay, you'll discuss your personal thoughts and feelings on the subject at hand....
Typically, the reaction time test is administered by presenting a subject with a visual stimulus on a computer monitor and prompting the individual to respond
timer for a specific amount of work time each day, or setting a goal for when you want to finish the task can help you have a definite end to when you want to be done. If you can see the light at the end...
By definition, you can't reason your way to anything really new, so you must journey into the unknown. 翻译: 如果你想发现新的事物,千里之行的第一步就是要学会与不确定性共存,并学会接受失败如常,因为寻找未知事物的风险就像成为一名从不系安全绳的高空杂技演员一样大。