How to calculate probability examplesExample 1: basic probability Jamie has the following cards, A card is chosen at random. Find the probability the card has a letter B on it. Write out the basic probability. We can write down the basic probability by using Probability=number of desired ...
What can teachers do to support students who miss their grades on GCSE results day? Here’s a checklist of the options you can offer them
Ultimately, maths is a right or wrong subject. Students know this (see point 2) and to pretend otherwise is patronising and insincere. However, I also want students to know that I can teach them better if I know what misconceptions they have. If the majority of the class have made the ...
Copy the same step by step strategy I used to pass my maths gcse with ease. Click here to find out more.
(6,9). Find the coordinates of point B.B. Work out how to get from the given endpoint to the midpoint. Show step Repeat this to get from the midpoint to the missing endpoint. Show step Write down the coordinate of the missing endpoint. Show step ...
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