smart packers will store overnight gear there and stuff they need for hiking or throughout the day closer to the top. Some packs, however, have panel access, so you can unzip the main pack bag without unloading it from the top. Keep in mind that additional features...
To become a PCB designer, learn using EDA tools, attain IPC certifications, understand stack-up fundamentals, and pursue specialized courses.
There may still be some kinks to work out, but around 5 percent of all electricity consumed in the U.S. is used to power air conditioning of one type or another, so there's a big market for energy-friendly air conditioning options [source: ACEEE]. BTU and EER Most air conditioners ...
If you're looking for new ways to recycle, simply give a moment's thought when you throw something out. Could it be reused or broken down in a useful way? Recycling Innovation: Old Tires into Football Fields The millions of automobiles on the road create numerous waste management ...
Things get a bit trickier when you send a robot out into the world. First, the robot needs a working locomotion system. If the robot only needs to move over smooth ground, wheels are often the best option. Wheels and tracks can also work on rougher terrain. But robot designers often ...
To encourage prompt payment, consider: Offering early payment discounts. Using automation to send out timely reminders to customers with outstanding balances. Making it as easy as possible for customers to pay, offering multiple payment options (online payments, credit cards, etc.) and clear instruct...
Vital Capacity:Vital capacity refers to the maximal volume of air that a person can blow out of their lungs following a maximal inhalation. For example, if you were to inhale as deeply as you could, then blow out as much air as you could, the amount of air you blew out of the lungs...
When carrying heavy loads, joint contribution shifts proximally up the kinetic chain from the ankle and knee to the hip4. As such, our strengthening day should target the muscles around these joints. Lunges will target the knee and hip; step ups will target the hips, and knee; and calf ra...
Good time management means you feel empowered to turn down unnecessary meetings—and better meetings mean you spend the rest of your time feeling more purposeful in carrying out your work. How can leaders address the problem of time scarcity? McKinsey’s experience shows that leaders may want ...
Making Work Visible: How to Unmask Capacity Killing WIP Thank you, everybody, for being here. It's really great to see you all here today. As Gene Kim said, I'm Dominica DeGrandis. My background [is as] a build engineer. That's what I did. So, I spent a lot of years doing ...