Once you send Forms W-2 to your employees, you don’t have to worry about the annual form until next year. Or, do you? If you don’t know how to fill out Form W-2, you may run into problems. Your employees might come to you with questions about Form W-2. And, your employees...
For example, if you recently started working from home and expect your annual mileage to drop significantly, you may want to inform your insurance company to see if your rate can be lowered to reflect your reduced risk. Conversely, if you’re returning to full-time in-person work and expect...
Although fuel-cost calculations are more accurate when you have a log containing fuel and mileage information, you can use estimates if historical information isn't available. Divide total actual or estimated fuel expenses by actual or estimated annual miles driven to calculate annual fuel cost per ...
If you’re a seasoned employer, you don’t have to worry about these tasks. But if it’s your first rodeo, you’ll need to put in the legwork prior to processing payroll. How to process payroll Depending on how you run payroll (e.g., payroll processing software), your steps for ...
That’s because open windows increase wind resistance, which makes your car work harder. Once a car has cooled down, it will remain cool. Whenever possible, park in the shade to help maintain that temperature. What speed gives you the best gas mileage?
Tracking monthly mileage can give vehicle owners a better overview of their fuel costs. Pairing this insight with simple fuel-saving tips is a great way to manage expenses and cut down on trips to the gas station. Corentin’s passion for the automotive world started when he was just seven...
the more weekly mileage you’ll need to prepare for and the more time you’ll need to spend running. But whether you break down your training by time on the move or mileage, here are some basic 5K training plan outlines you can use to build out your training plan for even longer races...
Artificial intelligence has many use cases, but it bears repeating: Your mileage may vary. Remember that the quality of output by generative AI is directly tied to your inputs, and that you should always be ready to independently verify “facts” that AI may offer you. AI tools can become...
“Mileage allowance” is a term theInternal Revenue Service (IRS)uses to refer to thedeductibilityof expenses car owners accrue while operating a personal vehicle for business, medical, charity, or moving purposes.1For 2024 the IRS allows you to deduct $0.67 per mile for business use, $0.14 ...
This increases an entrepreneur's personal financial runway and gives them more time to work on building a successful business, rather than worrying about having to keep raising money or paying back short-term loans. Build a Diverse Skill Set ...