The point is to use factual knowledge to convince the audience, 关键在于用事实去说服听众。 as in Sojourner Truth's argument for women's rights: 就像索茹尔内·特鲁斯关于女权的观点一样: "I have as much muscle as ...
"The article How to Make Congress Work Better..." 《时代》周刊需要修理行为准则国会最新一期的美国《时代》周刊题为《怎样才能使国会更好地为美国民众服务》的文章提到,每过几十年,国会就会逐渐意识到它自己需要修理了.无论是面对迫在眉睫的危机也好,还是自身功能的慢慢退化,都要建立专门的改革委员会来对下...
“I was happy to work with the Chamber to make sure that no one pays more than seven percent of their income,” said Sherill. “It’s not just an impact on women — it’s an impact on the economy as a whole that desperately needs to be addressed.” In addition to reduc...
The Fifth Session of the 16th Foshan Municipal People's Congress opened on February 20. This significant event will gather local representatives to discuss key issues shaping the city's future. During the first plenary meeting, the mayor of Foshan delivered the government work report summarizing the...
So, when exploring how geniuses work, it's a good idea to start by defining precisely what a genius is. For the purpose of this article, a genius isn't simply someone with an exceptionally high IQ. Instead, a genius is an extraordinarily intelligent person who breaks new ground with ...
The Fifth Session of the 16th Foshan Municipal People's Congress opened on February 20. This significant event will gather local representatives to discuss key issues shaping the city's future. During the first plenary meet...
Laws are usually made when a bill is passed by Congress and then signed by the President of the United States. However, even if the President vetoes a bill, it may still become law.Answer and Explanation: In order to override a presidential veto both the House of Representative and the ...
Sharing her working experience, she mentioned that her career has changed her life and made her a mature and responsible person. "I am very satisfied and proud to work here." In addition to providing jobs for local residents, the construction and operation of the China-Laos Railway has also...
Congress passed theTrade Act of 1974in January 1975. The goal was to expand the United States' participation in international trade. It also provided ways to resolvetrade warsand disputes. It paved the road to either reduce or completely eliminate barriers to trade. And it supported developing t...
Congress. This ensures that the president cannot use his power for personal gain.3The executive branch can also issue executive orders, ordering how certain laws should be enforced or ordering that the government take certain actions, but the judicial branch can deem these orders to be ...