A termination notice to an employee in the form of a letter is most often used in situations involving employee misconduct, such as a violation of company policies or the law. While a letter of termination of employment is usually written by employers to employees, they can also be written b...
At some point in your career, you will have to write a letter of termination. This page covers the two types of termination. The first one is a termination because of poor performance or conduct. The second part, we will cover the unfortunate event oftermination due to redundancy. Before y...
You must begin your letter with a direct statement of purpose. For example, “The purpose of writing this letter is to notify you of my desire to terminate my contract with ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd., effective immediately.” Mention Terms You are then required to add to your letter the te...
A lease termination letter is a written notice given by the property owner/manager to inform the tenant that their lease agreement is being ended and will not be extended beyond a specified date. Often, it is sent when a lease is ended early. It is also called a 30-daynotice to vacate,...
Donation letter is usually written in order to make a formal request of donation. It could be written by the head, chairperson, project coordinator or any other authorized person of a non-profitable organization or NGO. Donation request letter conveys the appeal for donation in an organized and...
Why Should You Break a Contract? There are many reasons a business agreement can go sour. This makes it very critical that detailed provisions be provided in a written contract to ensure a clear understanding between the parties in the event that a termination is requested. Common Reasons for...
Like the letter of intent, the Memorandum of Understanding is not a legal document. However, MOU elements such as the acceptance of an offer, the intention to be legally bound or even an exchange involving payment can make it contractually binding in law court. It's important to understand ...
Know where to send your letter.Think carefully about whom to send your letter to. If you are trying toappeal a wrongful termination, for example, send the letter directly to your employer. You don’t want your letter to have to pass through a number of hands—this will only delay a res...
To get either monetary or non-cash support (or both), you should create and share a strategic document with a potential sponsor that outlines how they can benefit from sponsoring your event. Your proposal should dive into the nitty-gritty of the event, anticipated turnout, and opportunities fo...
Six word stories are a great way to practice your writing without actually having to write much. Try this prompt for a (very!) short story.