Note: Even though “Hi guys” is a very common start to a group email, the phrase may not be your best choice. Why? The word “guys” is commonly associated with the masculine gender. When used as a greeting to a group that includes other genders, it may come across as offensive to...
All professional emails need to start with a formal greeting. While “Dear Mr Doe” can be a reasonable starting point, it can feel a bit stiff. Instead, your student could use “Good morning,”“Good afternoon,” or “Good evening,” depending on the time when they write. It...
They’re all easy to fix with a bit of mindfulness. Below, we’ve outlined the most common email pitfalls and how to avoid them. 1. Overusing “reply all” The problem: We’ve all been there—someone hits “Reply All” on an email chain, and suddenly, everyone is looped into a c...
These 15 amazing tips will help get you there — whether you’re just learning how to write an email or you’re back to learn some new tricks. Let’s dive in! 1. Define Your Goals Before writing a single word of your email, you should beclear about your goals. A personal email and...
For more informal emails, you can start with just the word "hi" or "hey", plus a comma.商务邮件中,这些只是简单的礼貌用语,通常不需要回应。更不正式的邮件可以开头只写 hi 或者 hey, 再加上个逗号。You can also just write the person's name plus a comma.This is a more professional style...
Vague or one-word subject line puts the message at risk of being seen as SPAM Avoid using abbreviations or emojis Don't forget about a salutation Bad text formatting will spoil the email A good rule of thumb is to make the email concise, clear, short and without typos. You can use a ...
Write what you'd like the recipient to do and include any necessary information. The important word here is "necessary." Don't load up your email with extraneous details. Make the email easy to read. An unformatted wall of text seems like a formidable barrier. Break down this barrier with...
Stick to the facts and focus on the benefits of your proposal or message. 6. Ensure Scanability In today’s digital age, readers often skim rather than read every word. Format your business writing for quick evaluation. Use headings, bullet points, and concise paragraphs to make your message...
If you want to use humor in an email, do so only if you know the person well. You don’t want to come off as disrespectful or rude if someone is in a serious situation. Besides, what sounds funny might not read funny. Word to the wise: If you are in doubt, it is best to le...
LectureonHowtoWriteProfessionalEmail CONTENTS IntroductionRequestsFollow-upEmailsRemindersPostponements INTRODUCTION WhatisaGoodBusinessEmail?Agoodbusinessemailisonethatcanclearly&effectivelydeliveryourintention,meaning,background/orreason.永遠牢記商業書信可不是在寫情書,應明確的點明你的來意.客套...