On the day of the art competition, the children came to the community center. 54.___.The paper crane mobile was hung up. It moved back and forth softly as people walked past. From a distance, the paper cranes appeared to be flying.The judges(评判员) checked each art project. When th...
Paper cranes are an origami classic, made popular in American culture by the stories inspired by the Japanese legend that one who creates a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish. (Read: Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes) But before we can get busy working on our wishes, we nee...
The senbazuru comes from an ancient Japanese legend that says a wish will be granted to anyone who folds 1000 paper cranes. Today, in addition to adorning shrines, senbazuru are gifted at weddings, births, or other celebrations. By folding...