Thinking about the metal shell of the XLR plug for a moment, when an XLR is plugged in it’s shell also connects to the chassis via a spring contact in the socket. However, as the shell can become dirty and corroded this connection might not be perfect, so the argument is that linking...
If you prefer a handheld wireless microphone option that can also connect to your iPhone, the Audio-Technica AT2005USB is an excellent choice. This dynamic microphone offers USB and XLR connectivity options, making it compatible with both your iPhone and a computer. With its rugged build quality...
Standalone audio interface:A standalone audio interface could be a simple inline analog-to-digital converter/adapter or it could be an interface with multiple inputs and outputs that connects an entire studio's worth of microphones to a computer. This is what most people who work with audio t...
Once you learn how to control one channel, you'll know how to control every channel.Every channel on a mixer is either mono or stereo with an XLR, 1/4” or RCA connection. (Some inputs are designed to handle both XLR plugs from microphones as well as 1/4” inputs.)...
A .Standard Database Format (sdf) file is a database file storing information in fields of fixed length. A Microsoft Excel (xls) is a spreadsheet file, storing data entries in rows and columns. A .sdf file can be converted to an .xls file using the appro
Most recorders also include USB, FireWire, or Thunderbolt ports for computer connectivity.Take an inventory of the mics, instruments and other gear you'll want to connect and understand the types of connections they use. This way, you'll know what kind of specs to look for among the many...
Many times, people look at the jacks on the back of a device to figure out what cables they will need. While this is not really the best way to figure things out, most of the time it will get results. If you see an RCA jack and ask for an “RCA cable”, you’ll probably find...
Don't just take our word for it. To hear exactly what your built-in microphone is picking up, and how your space and voice sound to others, you simply need a set of headphones. If you have an XLR setup, you can plug your headphones directly into the corresponding jack on your audio...
How to Use an Audio Mixer (soundboard): In this instructable I am going to go through all the control features found on most mixers (mixing consoles, mixing desks, audio consoles, soundboards - they all refer to the same thing). I will start with the abs
Microphone's record at mic-level, which is very quiet in the grand scheme of things. You have to boost that to line-level, and do it cleanly. You can't just turn up the gain or volume knob. So that's your current dilemma. You know you're coming out of an XLR cable and you kn...