The basic circuit breaker consists of a simple switch, connected to either a bimetallic strip or an electromagnet. The hot wire in the circuit connects to the two ends of the switch. When the switch is flipped to the on position, electricity can flow from the bottom terminal, through the ...
One more wire issue: size. While larger gauge wire can actually help an amp work a little easier and cooler when driving speakers by lowering cable impedance (resistivity), the impact on signal cables is negligible. That is, it’s inaudible to anyone who didn’t...
You make the connection right inside the junction box built into the furnace, although you’ll want to mount a switch somewhere in the circuit so you can power down the furnace. Another option (if your inspector allows it) is to wire on a cord and simply plug the furnace into a nearby...
an open plug wire or coil wire will increase the voltage demands on the coil to the point where it may damage the coil. The only safe way to test for spark is to use a spark plug tester tool.
Now cut the yellow wire, make sure to leave enough on both ends to give yourself something to work with. Strip both of the cut ends for testing. Take your digital ohm meter and put your negative probe on the black wire that you stripped back earlier. Put the positive probe on the yell...
REMINDER: Remember that disabling the anti-theft system can make your car more attractive to thieves. It is advisable to have some other form of anti-theft device installed if you choose to disable the PassLock system. This can be a steering wheel lock, a kill switch, or an aftermarket al...
Here's an automotive control board I'm making, it'll have a bunch of inputs and drive 3 FETS along the top right (something like an IRF540 or better), I'm thinking of a switching frequency around 2-5khz. They're supposed to handle a peak load of about 10-15A, but that will be...
There are two ways to disable or delete Active Fuel Management on your GM or Chevy Gen IV LS or LS-based Vortec engine—one is to install an AFM Disabler, and the second is to install an AFM Delete Kit. Here’s what you need to know: 1. Install an AFM Delete Kit An AFM...
3. Cleaning the throttle body involves removing the air filter box and the air tube that connects to the engine. (you may have to remove 1 or 2 wire attachments) 4. After you remove these tubes (normally plastic) you can use "throttle body cleaner" spray to clean the black gunk off ...
An estimate of the battery pack's capacity is communicated to the host over a 1-wire interface, which reduces the num- ber of necessary contacts between the pack and the host to as few as three. Additionally, the DS2788 provides 16 bytes of EEPROM for the exclusive use of the host ...