PSP WonderHowTo This video will show you how to jailbreak Sony's PSP Go. This is a sweet little device that can be all that much sweeter once you unlock all its potential. Follow the video to see what you'll need to do. how
All through the 1990s, Apple had been toying with the idea of making a set-top TV box for home users. Like a cable TV box, Apple wanted to have a TV platform that was compact, inexpensive, and easy to use. Apple's first stab at a TV device was in the early 1990s when it starte...
It’s possible that you can brick your flight controllers due to human error (where FC doesn’t talk to computer anymore, just timeout or says connection fail). You might still be able to fly using that FC as normal, but there is no way you can connect the board to Cleanflight or Be...
Understanding the Circuit/Schematic:The signal that is being sent from the back of your stereo and running through the speaker wire to your speakers actually contains a small amount of DC voltage. The DC voltage in the speaker wire fluctuates to the demands of the musical signal being sent. S...
An STM32 flasher and debugger At its core, STM32CubeProgrammer helps debug and flash STM32 microcontrollers. As a result, it includes features that optimize these two processes.For instance, version 2.6 introduced the ability to dump the entire register map and edit any register ...
I have a 2007 Q7 with HID lights. For about 2 weeks or so the right side headlight hasn’t been coming on everytime I turn the switch. Sometimes it comes on and other times it doesn’t. I thought there was a lose wire problem so last saturday I took the whole headlight housing off...
And that’s it! These are the simplest connectors to deal with, as they are usually clearly labelled, and while it’s a little bit fiddly to insert the wire, the actual process should be very straightforward. Also, super-important: your sub gets connected elsewhere. For that info, see18...
You'll also need to disconnect the fan's wire connector on the motherboard. Be careful since this connector will be brittle too. The fan doesn't actually cool anything directly. All the major chips are on the other side of the motherboard. There is a small bank of resistors and capacito...