A_Block Diagram B_Power supply C_ MCU interface D_Memory interface E_ Revision history Block diagrams and revision history are often ignored by most designers to save time. However, they can be very helpful for other designers trying to understand the schematic. Product-based organizations mandate...
You can see the confusion this creates when you try to wire both an old style and new style switch in the same circuit. I eventually got it right! I thought you might want to make a comment somewhere on the page mentioning the different versions of these switches. Unrelated, but also an...
This guide provides instructions on how to wire a 4-way light switch, including replacing a 4-way switch and wiring a new 4-way switch into a set of two 3-way switches. Diagrams are also provided.
The NI TB-2631B configures the NI PXI-2530B high-density matrix switch as a 4x32 (1-wire) or 4x16 (2-wire) matrix. It provides direct signal wire connections to the screw terminals inside the terminal block.Below is a summary of how to connect signals to a PXI-2531B using a TB-...
If you want to use a new scale for the plot, wire the plot number to the ActPlot and numeric constant 1 to Plot.YScaledx.Figure 1 shows a simple example program of generating three plots, allocating the default axis of label name Temperature to the first two temperature vectors and ...
A light bulb, for example, has a filament inside that is very resistant to flowing charge. The charge has to work hard to move along, which heats up the filament, causing it to glow. In building wiring, the hot wire and the neutral wire never touch directly. The charge running through...
To understand the problem, it is helpful to understand something about voltage. Voltage is a measure of a difference in electric potential energy. Electric current travels from point to point because there is a greater electric potential energy on one end of the wire than there is on the other...
The type of flux to be used in soldering depends on various factors such asType of PCBto be assembled, type of electronic components used, type of soldering machine and equipments used and the working environment. 2. Solder (Wire, Bar, Paste, Balls, Preforms) ...
Now, the required Primary current is 10 Amps, therefore from Table A we match an equivalentthickness of copper wire=12 SWG. Step#5:Calculating Primary Number of Turns=1.04 (1.96 × 24) = 49.The value 1.04 is included to ensure that a few extra turns are added to the total, to compens...
This idea will allow you to get rid of the messy wire-wound emitter resistors. Mounting over a common heatsink will ensure quick and uniform sharing of heat and eliminating the dreaded thermal runaway situation. Moreover since the collectors of the transistors are supposed to be in parallel an...