4.优雅谈吐的简单方法 An Easy Way to Become a Good Conversationalist 原则四:做一位优秀的听众。鼓励他人多谈论他们自己 PRINCIPLE 4 Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. 5.吸引他人的方法 How to Interest People 原则五:为他人的利益说话。PRINCIPLE 5: Talk in terms of the...
Fortunately for us, all the same lessons were packaged into the now famous book,How to Win Friends and Influence People. But how do we find time to read and remember all 214 pages? Most of us don't. The book becomes another item on that backlog of to-dos we never seem to go to....
最初是因为找伯特兰·罗素的《幸福论》的资料时,看到了某网站的相关推荐。依稀记得小时候有看过卡耐基的一本书,大致内容是关于影响力的不知道是不是这本书,总感觉有点相似。 那么这篇文章呢依然是翻译加总结。(原文链接→【人事部長の教養100冊】「人を動かす」デール・カーネギー 要約&解説 (jinjibuchou....
Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment PRINCIPLE 1 - Begin with praise and honest appreciation. PRINCIPLE 2 - Call attention to people’s mistakes indirectly. PRINCIPLE 3 - Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person. PRINCIPLE 4 - A...
绝大多数情况下,不管人们犯下多大的错误,都不会责备自己,为自己辩护并回击。 指责和批评是徒劳无益的。 人并非百分之百的理性动物,他们很大程度上是受情感驱使的,并被偏见所支配,而傲慢与虚荣正是他们言行的动力之源。 人际交往的秘籍——重视和赞许
的英文原名为《how to win friends and influence people》,直译过来是“如何赢得朋友并影响他人”,“人性的弱点”为中文意译,本书的实质是一本实用的人际关系著作,从人性本质的角度,挖掘出潜藏在人们体内的弱点,使人们能够充分认识自己,理解他人,从而更好地掌握处理人际关系的能力。提高人际关系之所以如此重要是因为“...
If you want to be interesting, be interested. Winning people over is all about making them feel good. Investing in relationships is paramount for success. And the one sentence summary: How To Win Friends And Influence People teaches readers how to connect with people, be more likable, win de...
I could easily have summarized every single blink in this summary, such a good one. The tips are incredibly simple, which is why they’re so powerful. All of them you can start applying right now, asHow To Win Friends And Influence Peoplecarries a strong message of “be the change you ...
人性的弱点(How to Win Friends and Influence People)是(美)戴尔·卡耐基创作的英文图书类小说,QQ阅读提供人性的弱点(How to Win Friends and Influence People)部分章节免费在线阅读,此外还提供人性的弱点(How to Win Friends and Influence People)全本在线阅读。