Place the affected area on the paper towels with the stained side facing down. Then, take a dish detergent with grease-attacking properties and apply it to the back of the stain. Next, flip the garment over to stain side up. Carefully scrub the area using a clean toothb...
Everyone should agree on a meeting point outside of thearea — perhaps in a town several miles away. Also important is an arrangement for family members tocommunicate if there is an earthquake. If an earthquake happens in a large city, many of the telephonelines within the city are likely ...
In general, sintered bases need to be waxed more often than extruded bases because they shed more wax as you ride. You'll notice your board slowing down after just a few days and the base will start to look dry. Dry bases are pretty easy to notice - look for "hairs" in the P-tex...
You Should Really Learn How to Wax Your Own Skis Already Waxing isn't rocket science. Pro ski technician Leif Sunde breaks down the basics in this step-by-step video. Jenny Wiegand UpdatedFeb 21, 2024 Instruction How to Manage Speed and Turn Shape While Tree Skiing ...
You want to kind of overfill them because when the crayons start to melt, the mass will shrink down.Place the mold, with the broken up crayons inside, in the microwave and microwave on high for 30-60 second intervals until the wax has completely melted....
All of those forums were correct—it took me about three hours between setup and teardown so be patient. It’s a process. You only need a couple of tools to rewax a jacket. For starters, get a bristle brush to prep your jacket before waxing. I use a boot brush with horse hair ...
Sometimes chasing down a skunk requires the need to remove the stench that they can leave behind. Depending on what prank you may have pulled, there could also be a need to remove some horrendous odor that remains. Also, dogs & cats love chasing small animals, until they come home with ...
Are you planning on walking up and down your board and hanging your toes off the nose? Then wax the nose. It’s surfing, not rocket surgery. Pay special attention to where your hands will be while popping up and/or where you grip the rails for duck diving, especially if you frequently...
We always wanted to do some type of product, just kind of for the logical reason of having two revenue streams, the client work and the product. Cause, as any freelancer will tell you that, your client work can go up and down, and we wanted something more consistent. We did this ...
The easiest way to deal with wax or gum stuck on the carpet is to freeze it first using ice cubes in a plastic bag until it becomes brittle. Once solidified, scrape off the gum or wax using a spatula, spoon or even a credit card. I’d avoid using sharp objects such as a butter ...